TBR Tag!

TBR Tag!

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I saw this tag over at Bookish Coffee Blog and thought it looked really fun! As always my TBR is pretty much out of control so I know there’s plenty of books for me to talk about!

How do you keep track of your TBR?
I use a spreadsheet created by Kaleena from Reader Voracious (it’s brilliant you should try it) and it keeps try of all the review books I have and when they’re due. The books I’ve bought just live on my shelf until I feel the notion to pick them up. I keep thinking about making a proper TBR shelf on Goodreads but I’m not sure if the amount of books will overwhelm me a little.

Is your TBR mostly print books or e-books?
Mostly print. I do read ebooks occasionally and I occasionally I use Netgalley but I struggle with reading electronic books because I get headaches.

How do you decide which book on your TBR to read next?
It’s usually whichever book is next in terms of reviewing obligations but if I don’t have any review books it will usually just be whatever I’m in the mood for or maybe something that I’ve seen on getting good reviews on other blogs and Goodreads.

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A book that’s been on your TBR the longest
Heartless by Marissa Meyer has definitely been on there a while. I’m definitely still interested in reading it but for some reason I just haven’t picked it up yet.

book cover - 2019-03-01T142202.525A book that you recently added to your TBR
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman arrived in the post this morning so that’s definitely the most recent addition to my TBR.

book cover (82)A book on your TBR strictly because of the beautiful cover
A Winter’s Promise by Christelle Dabos isn’t on there only because of the cover but I was certainly drawn into buying it for the cover.

book cover - 2019-03-01T142437.038A book on your TBR you never actually plan on reading
I mean I hope that I get to all the books on my TBR one day but there are probably some intimidating classics on there that I realistically won’t get to – maybe Dubliners or War and Peace.

book cover - 2019-03-01T143051.847An unpublished book on your TBR you are excited for
One Word Kill by Mark Lawrence! I’m so excited for the release of this book.

book cover (2)A book on your TBR that everyone else has read but you
Nevernight. I’m not even going to say anything else because I know how much I need to read this book.

book cover (85)A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you.
Definitely Night Film by Marisha Peshl, everyone says this book is brilliant.

Untitled design (80)A book on your TBR you’re dying to read
Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence. It arrived last week and I’m so excited to dive back into this story.

The number of books on your TBR
I’ve never actually counted because I think it would make me cry, definitely in the hundreds!

So that’s my version of the TBR tag! I’d love to know how many books are currently on your TBR, hopefully I’m not the only one with a crazy amount!

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