2021 Reading Resolutions!

2021 Reading Resolutions!

2020 was a really great month and I read some really fabulous books! I really enjoyed setting myself some goals at the start of 2020 (although I didn’t hit all those goals, you can see how I got on here!) I thought it would be fun to make new goals for 2021!

1. Read 120 books
I managed to read 152 books last year and that was the most I’ve ever read in a year. I think this was pretty much due to the pandemic so I’m sticking with 120 books and if I manage to hit around 150 books again that’s great, but I’m not pressuring myself to get there.

2. Read more of my owned TBR
I own a lot of books I haven’t read yet. I’m not sure of the exact number but if it hasn’t hit 1000 books it’s nearing it. I have had a bit of an unhaul and I will continue to do that in 2021 but I’m going to try and buy less books and read the ones that have been sitting on my shelf for the longest time.

3. Improve my Netgalley Ratio
This is back from last year because sadly I only managed to improve my ratio by 8% in 2020. I’m going to work hard on getting this near to that magical 80% and fingers crossed there will be a bigger improve by the time I get round to doing the results.

4. Read more big fantasy books
There are so many of this big fantasy series on my TBR, books like The Stormlight Archives, The Farseer Trilogy and The Kingkiller Chronicles that have been on my shelves for a long time and I’m always really excited about reading them. I’d love to make these more of a priority in 2021.

5. Read more books by favourite authors
Like I’ve said previously I buy a lot of books so I often find books by my favourite authors end up further down the pile and I don’t get to them – I still haven’t read Vengeful by V. E. Schwab or King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo. I’d love to make it a goal to read more of those unread titles from my favourite authors.

6. Make monthly TBRs and prioritise ARCS first
I am pretty bad for drifting away from TBRs to read whatever I fancy so I’m making it a goal this year to make monthly TBRs and read the review copies first before I dive into anything else. Hopefully this will make sure they’re reviewed on time!

7. Read 50 pages a day
I’ve started using a reading tracker on Instagram and I find generally I read lots at the weekend and very little or somethings nothing during the week. I’m hoping by tracking my page count I can push myself to read 50 pages per day. I’ve been loving this so far and have been exceeding that every day which is great!

So those are my bookish resolutions for 2021! If you’re planning to set any goals I’d love to know what they are!Β 

8 thoughts on “2021 Reading Resolutions!

  1. I have some similar goals!! Though im really intimidated by big fantasy books 😬 scared to spend all that money on big books and then hate them lmao. Also the netgalley ratio stresses me tf out I’ve started to ignore it lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m the same with big fantasy books. I’m also not good at DNFing so I don’t want to spend ages reading a book I’m not enjoying. I’m glad I’m not the only one stressed about her Netgalley ratio!


  2. Reading 50 pages a day really feel like a good one! Happy to hear that it has been a good one so far and that you exceeded it! I fear that i’d feel the pressure of reading that many though, so i’m settling for “atleast a few pages”; if you can get a good chunk done, that’s great! but if you can only do 10, that’s good too.

    I do need to work on knocking some more off of my tbr πŸ˜… Goodluck for yours aswell as your Netgalley ratio! xx

    Liked by 1 person

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